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NAME ▲ [mairona veldor] GENDER ▲ [cis female] RACE ▲ [manticore] AGE ▲ [320] |
ZODIAC ▲ [aries] HEIGHT / WEIGHT ▲ [5'4 / 135 lbs] ALIGNMENT ▲ [true neutral] PERSONALITY TYPE ▲ [isfj] |
SKILLS ▲ [fire spitting, hoarding things, making a mess, glass-blowing] |
CLASS ▲ [slave / unowned & untrained 8 to rent ; 45 to buy] |
How high is too low we're not that young so we're never gonna stop | ) |
▲ ▼ |
We all have our secrets our secrets know our violence mistaken for silence. | ) |
LIKES ▲ [fruit, music, gold, coffee, glass figures, teas, cigarettes, scented oils, jewelry, narcotics, crystals] FAVORITE FOODS ▲ [pomegranates, shrimp, pears] ALLERGIES ▲ [mild pollen allergy] MORALITY ▲ [questionable] |
DISLIKES ▲ [storms, dancing, cold weather, being alone, snakes, loud noises, wine, spicy food, bright lights] FEARS ▲ [heights, drowning] SEXUALITY ▲ [pansexual ; assumed aromantic] RELATIONSHIP ▲ [uninterested] |